All posts by maxieroyston

Jobs, social media, free speech, and me

Topic: Free speech on social media and how it can affect your job

Essential Question: Does the 1st Amendment protect workers from consequences for social media posts?

Many people, when they hear about freedom of speech, get confused and think “That gives me the power to say whatever I want to whoever I want, without facing any consequences!” Of course, this isn’t true. Freedom of speech gives us many rights, such as being able to freely express your political opinion, or being able to not say anything at all. With the freedom of speech we also have limits, such as not being able to promote actions that could harm others (shouting “fire!” in a crowded room/shouting “bomb!” on an airplane), and not being able to burn draft cards for anti war protests. 
With all of this in mind, let’s go back to the original question: Does the 1st Amendment protect workers from consequences for social media posts? Well, there isn’t an easy answer for this, it all depends on the situation.
If you express your political opinion online in a respectful manner, and an employer sees, they cannot punish you even if they want to. You were simply using the rights given to you by free speech, and your employer has no right to punish you in the workplace. 
On the other hand, if an employer sees you making and selling obscene and offensive products online, they have the right to punish you. In that case, freedom of speech is not protecting you, and you will have to deal with the consequences of your actions.

Social Media and Freedom of Speech in the Workplace
“Social Media And Freedom Of Speech In The Workplace.” WisBar. N. p., 2019. Web. 23 Sept. 2019.

What Does Free Speech Mean?
“What Does Free Speech Mean?.” United States Courts. N. p., 2019. Web. 1 Oct. 2019.