Tag Archives: Disrespect

why Should people be able to protest at funerals due to the emotional Grievance state of their families?

The 1st amendment consists of freedom of assembly, better known as, peaceable assemblies. This means that the government must allow people to meet, protest, and march. People have the right to protest at funerals, because this is seen as freedom of speech. It doesn’t matter what is being said, they have a freedom of speech because it is listed in the first amendment. Protesting at funerals is legal. This was founded by Fred Phelps. An act called ‘Respect for America’s Fallen heroes Act’ was signed in 2006 by George W. Bush. This then prohibited protesters from trying to disrupt funerals. Although people may have the right to freedom of speech, the things that they say are not always necessarily appropriate. In spite of the fact that people can protest at funerals they must stay within 300 feet of the cemetery and the protesting should occur one hour before and one our after the funerals. When protesting at funerals their objective is to promote slander against the armed forces and their families with grievance and loss processes. Their signs have said “God Hate You” to “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” (ABC News, 2019). I don’t think this should be allowed, because it is disrespectful behavior to be a nuisance at someones final resting place. I believe that the families of these soldiers deserve consideration through the hard time of losing a son, brother, father, etc.

“Funeral Protests.” Mtsu.edu. N. p., 2019. Web. 29 Sept. 2019.

News, ABC. “Military Funeral Protests Outrage Families, Lawmakers.” ABC News. N. p., 2019. Web. 29 Sept. 2019.

” Funeral Protests | Freedom Forum Institute.” Freedomforuminstitute.org. N. p., 2019. Web. 29 Sept. 2019.