Tag Archives: plannedparenthood

Should men in power have a “say” on a woman’s body?

One of the most politically contentious topics of my generation is a woman’s right to choose. Currently, the powerful lobbyists in Washington D.C are trying to make abortion illegal by overturning Roe vs. Wade.

Roe vs. Wade is a decision the U.S Supreme Court ruled the constitution of the United States protects a womans liberty to have an abortion without excessive government restriction. Today, 73% of Americans don’t want to see Roe vs. Wade overturned. If it were to be overturned, one third of all women of reproductive age in America could lose the ability to access safe and legal abortion in their state. It seems when you turn on the news, there is always a male politician who is talking about this issue in a negative way. Abortion is healthcare. It’s solely a decision that is made between a patient and their physician. The right to legal abortion has been law for more than 45 years. Why would politicians want to overturn something that has been around for almost half a century?

Some people say so its government can control a woman body while others see abortion as a morality or religious issue. The right to choose is a right that all women deserve to make. Abortion is very common. In fact, nearly 1 in 4 women in America will have an abortion during their lifetime. This is not a decision to be made by a group of men who think its an immoral act to have an abortion. This issue belongs to women, the act carried by her physician, and to be protected by the government.


